Pride and Prejudice Eye Classics Ian Edginton Jane Austen Robert Deas 9781906838300 Books

Jane Austen referred to Pride and Prejudice (1813), the earliest of her published novels, as her “darling child”—and generations of readers have taken it to heart ever since. The irresistible attraction she portrays between the sparkly, independent Elizabeth Bennet and the solemnly austere Mr. Darcy counts among the greatest, most
romantic—and funniest—love stories ever told. In this graphic-novel adaptation, writer Ian Edginton and artist Robert Deas introduce one of the best-loved works of English literature to a new generation of readers.
Pride and Prejudice Eye Classics Ian Edginton Jane Austen Robert Deas 9781906838300 Books
After reading the first few chapters (The chapters are very short) of Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice" I wondered how anyone could be interested in such pompous, egotistical, aloof and self serving characters?After reading on I said, "Wow! How could I be so interested in such characters?"
Getting toward the middle of the book, I was hoping that it would never end.
By the end of the book, I fully realized what a magnificent piece of writing I had just read.
"Pride and Prejudice" is one of the best sociological studies about early nineteen century British loyalty and society I have ever read - where title, rank, fortune, and good looks are in many ways the requirements of an approved marriage, much, much more than love. In fact, this wonderful book might not be as relevant today as two hundred years ago, but there are still many traces of such societies throughout the world, today. It was not all that long ago in America, where marrying outside of your religion, or ethnicity, was looked down upon.
The book is full of wonderful characters, but Elizabeth (Lizzy) Bennet is, in my opinion, the star. Her character is so wonderfully and fully realized that at times I felt her jumping off the page and directly into my life.
Liza, a fellow member and friend on Goodreads, informed me that she had read the book twice and still was not sure if the ending was 'sad' or 'funny.' To me, it was funny and exceptionally rewarding but sad to think that a lady's livelihood depended more on the wealth and rank of your partner than love.
Quite an amazing book.
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Tags : Pride and Prejudice (Eye Classics) [Ian Edginton, Jane Austen, Robert Deas] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. <DIV><DIV>Jane Austen referred to <I>Pride and Prejudice</I> (1813), the earliest of her published novels,Ian Edginton, Jane Austen, Robert Deas,Pride and Prejudice (Eye Classics),SelfMadeHero,1906838305,Fiction Classics,Fiction Romance Regency,Fiction Romance Historical
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Pride and Prejudice Eye Classics Ian Edginton Jane Austen Robert Deas 9781906838300 Books Reviews
"Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen started off annoying me and ended up enchanting me. Up until about page one hundred I found this book vexing, frivolous and down right tedious. I now count myself as a convert to the Austen cult.
I must confess I have been known to express an antipathy for anything written or set before 1900. I just cannot get down with corsets, outdoor plumbing and buggy rides. Whenever someone dips a quill into an inkwell my eyes glaze over. This is a shortcoming I readily own up to but have no desire to correct. So I admit to not starting this book with the highest of hopes. I did really enjoy Ang Lee's "Sense and Sensibility" however and so when my friend threw the gauntlet down I dutifully picked it up.
Boy did I hate him at first. To get anywhere with this book one has to immerse oneself in the realities of life and marriage in the nineteenth century. At first all this talk of entailment and manners just left me cold. I liked the language to be sure. Austen's dialogue is delightful through out but dialogue alone (no matter how delicious) does not a great novel make.
A hundred pages or so in though I started to see what a shrewd eye for character this Austen woman had. Mr. Collins was the first person I marvelled at. His character springs forth fully formed as a total but somehow loveable ass. From that point on I found much to love about this book. I was so into it by the end that I was laughing at some characters, sympathizing with others and clucking my tongue at an unhappy few. In short I was completely absorbed.
In conclusion I must now count myself a fan of Miss Austen's novels (and not just their fim adaptations) and do so look forward to acqauinting myself with more of her work in the future. "Emma" anyone?
This book is just gorgeous! I already own a few copies of Pride and Prejudice so I didn't need another but this was too cute to pass up. It's a generous size, the colors are bold and bright and the illustrations are whimsical and fun. A great gift for any jane Austen fan, even if she already owns a few copies ;)
There must be many thousands of digital versions of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. I got this because I wanted to compare it with another that I had, and didn't realize until it was on my kindle that the name of the author on the cover page is incorrect!! The author is NOT Charlotte Bronte!!!!! This is so inexplicable and appalling a mistake, I had to write and mention it so that it can (hopefully) be corrected. The rest of the text is fine. I don't want it on my kindle, and have deleted it. How anyone could have confused Jane Austen and Charlotte Bronte (author of Jane Eyre) is beyond me.
After reading the first few chapters (The chapters are very short) of Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice" I wondered how anyone could be interested in such pompous, egotistical, aloof and self serving characters?
After reading on I said, "Wow! How could I be so interested in such characters?"
Getting toward the middle of the book, I was hoping that it would never end.
By the end of the book, I fully realized what a magnificent piece of writing I had just read.
"Pride and Prejudice" is one of the best sociological studies about early nineteen century British loyalty and society I have ever read - where title, rank, fortune, and good looks are in many ways the requirements of an approved marriage, much, much more than love. In fact, this wonderful book might not be as relevant today as two hundred years ago, but there are still many traces of such societies throughout the world, today. It was not all that long ago in America, where marrying outside of your religion, or ethnicity, was looked down upon.
The book is full of wonderful characters, but Elizabeth (Lizzy) Bennet is, in my opinion, the star. Her character is so wonderfully and fully realized that at times I felt her jumping off the page and directly into my life.
Liza, a fellow member and friend on Goodreads, informed me that she had read the book twice and still was not sure if the ending was 'sad' or 'funny.' To me, it was funny and exceptionally rewarding but sad to think that a lady's livelihood depended more on the wealth and rank of your partner than love.
Quite an amazing book.

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